Crew in a cherry picker working on overhead powerlines with houses background

Company reports, plans & charters

Distribution Annual Planning Report (DAPR)

As a Distribution Authority, we publish a Distribution Annual Planning Report (DAPR), outlining our commitment to providing a reliable, safe and cost-effective supply to our customers in regional Queensland.

View our past Distribution Annual Planning Reports (DAPR) or please email us if you have an enquiry about any of our DAPRs.

Annual reports

Our corporate reporting is being presented as part of the Energy Queensland Limited’s suite of reporting documents.

Energy Queensland Limited became the parent entity of Ergon Energy Corporation Limited on 30 June 2016.

For our latest reports please refer to the Energy Queensland Publications web page.


Ergon Energy policies have been superseded by new policies developed for Energy Queensland Limited and its subsidiaries. Please see our latest policies on our Energy Queensland Governance web page.