Fully-matching results
Yes. However, you'll need to give written confirmation that you have authorised another person to pursue the complaint so we can be confident that we're not breaching your privacy when we discuss your complaint with them.
The collection and handling of your personal information during the complaints will be done so in accordance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth). Please refer to our Privacy Statement.
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We offer a language interpreter assistance service for customers from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds and a TTY (teletypewriter) service for hearing impaired customers.
National relay service
If you're deaf or have a hearing or speech impairment, you can contact us through the National Relay Service (NRS). To make a relay call through the NRS all you need to do is:
- Contact the NRS via the details on the NRS call numbers web page
- Give the phone number you want to call.
For more information, visit the NRS Acceshub.
Translating and interpreting service
If you need translating or interpreting services you can phone 13 14 50 and request the phone number you wish to contact, or make a general enquiry on 13 74 66.
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If you would like to make a complaint or provide feedback, please complete our feedback form.
Contact your electricity retailer for feedback regarding accounts, billing, payments, concessions, rebates, refunds, prices and meter reading.
We are always pleased to receive your feedback and if you request contact we'll respond within 5 business days.
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We would love to hear about your positive experience with our team members! You can provide feedback via our feedback form (e.g. for power outages and claims, network connections, safety and network management).
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When we receive your complaint, we'll do our best to resolve the issue when we first contact you. If we can't resolve the matter then, it will be escalated within our internal complaints handling process.
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If you're not satisfied with our response, you have the right to request your complaint or dispute be reviewed by our Distribution Customer Advocacy Team.
Escalating a dispute to the Energy & Water Ombudsman Queensland
If a complaint isn't resolved to your satisfaction, you're entitled to contact the Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland on 1800 662 837 or by visiting the Energy & Water Ombudsman Queensland website.
The Energy and Water Ombudsman provides an independent and free dispute resolution service for residential and small business energy customers across Queensland when they've been unable to resolve their concerns directly with their energy supplier.
The Ombudsman expects that you have first tried to resolve the complaint with us, prior to raising the matter with the Ombudsman. Read the Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland complaint resolution flowchart for more information.
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Please provide a telephone number when lodging a complaint as we may need more information to assist with our investigation. Also, please indicate the response or resolution you are seeking.
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We strive to provide a resolution to a customer complaint at the first point of contact. Should a resolution at the first point of contact not be possible, we have a target to:
- Acknowledge all complaints within two business days
- Resolve a complaint within 10 business days of initial contact.
Where complaints cannot or have not been resolved within 10 business days, an extended resolution date will be negotiated with you. If a site visit is required, we'll organise this with you for a time that is convenient.
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You can find more information in Energy Queensland’s Complaints Management Policy. We acknowledge that effective complaints handling is fundamental to the provision of a quality service. We're committed to providing a complaint handling system whereby complaints are dealt with in an equitable, objective and unbiased manner.
As owners and operators of the electricity distribution network in greater Queensland, we are proud and passionate about our responsibilities of meeting your needs for a safe and reliable electricity supply. To show our commitment we have developed the Customer Charter.
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Category: Complaints & Compliments