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The emergency backstop mechanism is only applicable in areas where we have AFLC available for signalling.
As a general guide, Ergon Energy Network’s isolated communities, Single Wire Earth Return (SWER) network and some other fringe of grid areas do not have AFLC capability. We have developed a NMI Check search form so you can determine if a site has AFLC capability or not.
In addition, when submitting connection applications via the Electrical Partners Portal, a pop-up message will appear as a guide when an application triggers the requirement to install a GSD.
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All customers with a compliant system will have access to Dynamic Connections across our electricity network.
Read more about compliance requirements in STN3510 Dynamic Standard for Small IES Connections (PDF 654.5 kb).
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Yes, our Emergency Backstop Mechanism Factsheet (PDF 618.0 kb) provides general information on the background and operation of the initiative, and how it may impact customers installing new or replacement IES.
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No. Under our Connection Standards, for example STWN1170 Standard for Small IES Connections, Electricity Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) is considered as an energy storage system and therefore excluded from the need to install a GSD.
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Yes, the Emergency Backstop Mechanism requires applicable inverters to disconnect from the electricity network, including zero export systems. It is not associated with export to the grid, but rather connection to the grid.
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When the Demand Response Mode (DRM) 0 has been activated
As soon as the grid supply is off (and the power supply to the GSD is interrupted), the GSD will release the DRM0 in the inverter. Once DRM0 is released, if the inverter has energy storage connected, the inverter will be able to offer the same outcome (back-up power) to the customer as it is capable during a network outage.
When the local grid supply is re-instated and the GSD receives power supply, it will go into the same DRM state it was before the power interruption i.e. DRM0 in this case. If the network event is over, a signal will be sent to re-instate the inverter to normal operation.
When power supply to the GSD is interrupted during normal operation
Where power supply to the GSD is interrupted by a grid supply outage, when the inverter is not in any DRM0 mode, there will be no additional impact on the inverter as the inverter will cease operation under the standard anti-islanding function built into all inverters. When grid supply is restored, the inverter will return to normal operation.
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No. It is a requirement under section 191 of the Electrical Safety Regulation that an electrical product being sold in Queensland must be compliant with the relevant safety standards for the product when manufactured or imported. In Queensland it is a requirement that the manufacturer only sell AS/NZS 4777.2.2020 compliant inverters from 18 December 2021. Therefore, from 18 December 2021, any firmware updates to AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 must be completed prior to sale.
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Yes, AS/NZS 4777.2:2020 inverters are already being listed on our Electrical Partners Portal.
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Yes – but you will need to confirm with your installer to ensure the system will be compliant with the connection standard.
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No. Inverters compliant with AS/NZS 4777.2 2015 are no longer accepted for new applications with Ergon Energy Network.
Applications can continue to be submitted where the inverters are compliant with AS/NZS 4777.2 2020.