Public lighting
As part of the process to connect public (street) lighting to the electricity network we need to confirm if suitable power supply from our network is available for your connection. To do this we need to establish a new connection contract with you.
Important: Only local governments (Councils) or the Department of Transport and Main Roads (DTMR) can apply for unmetered Public Lighting connections. If you’re a business wanting to install lighting at your premises, you can apply for a watchman (security) lighting connection. If you are a private resident and want to discuss additional street lights or the relocation of street lights, please contact your local government.
How to connect public (street) lighting
1 Getting started
The best place to start is with the design drawings for your proposed street lighting. You should engage a Registered Professional Engineer of Queensland (RPEQ) certified design consultant for this.
Engage a Design Consultant for your drawings
Your design must be completed by a design consultant from the Approved Public Lighting Designers (PDF 184.9 kb) (PDF 180.0 kb) list. Your consultant will work with you to finalise your lighting design drawings and can also submit your connection application on your behalf. If you prefer to apply yourself, your consultant can provide the required information you’ll need for your connection application.
2 Submit your Connect Application
To get your streetlights connected, you need to apply and accept our offer to start your new connection contract with us. You or your consultant can submit your connection application and email your design drawings to us.
An application should be made via the Customer Self Service portal or via the Electrical Partners Portal if the applicant is licenced appropriately.
Next, any design drawings must be emailed in both PDF and either .dxf or .dwg formats to The portal would have provided a CX reference number when your application is submitted, this number should be included when emailing any drawings.
3 Accept our Connection Offer
All street lighting connections are classed as negotiated connections. We’ll contact the person who applied within 10 business days to discuss the terms of your connection offer.
Then, we will make a connection offer within 65 business days of your application. The connection offer will outline terms and conditions, including relevant charges. You will have 20 business days to accept the offer. Your connection contract starts when the offer is accepted.
Please note: Whoever submits the application will also need to accept our connection offer.
Read more about connection service types, offers, and contracts in our FAQs.
I’m a Developer working on a large project requiring Public Lighting
Developers are responsible for obtaining the approval of the local government/DTMR (as relevant) for the lighting arrangement, before applying for network connection.
The Electrical Reticulation design must include street lighting that is compliant with AS/NZS 1158.The local government or DTMR (as relevant) must agree to the number and types of streetlights to be installed and accept accountability for their on-going maintenance and energy costs.
- You'll first need to complete an online enquiry before submitting a subdivision lighting connection application. We'll contact you within 5 business days (or other agreed date) to confirm details and provide more information on the process
- We’ll also provide you with a Works Request number. This number should be referenced on all future communications with us
- As you’ll need to submit a lighting design with your application, we’ll provide you with design parameters. These parameters outline what’s needed to ensure your design meets our connection and planning requirements
- This can take up to 25 business days depending on a range of factors, including:
- Quality of information provided on your enquiry form
- Available network capacity
- If need be, we’ll contact you during this period to negotiate an extension to help us give you the information you need to complete your application.
- Your design must be completed by a design consultant from the Approved Public Lighting Designers (PDF 180.0 kb) list.
- To apply for connection to our network, you must engage a consultant from our Subdivision Design Consultants List (PDF 170.8 kb) who will submit an application to
- There'll be various costs, including an application fee, design fee and inspection charges. See our latest price lists on our Connections charges web page
- For us to process your application, the following is required:
- Acceptance of the application fee, design fee and any other relevant charges
- An electronic copy of the proposed subdivision Electrical Reticulation/Street Lighting plan and other plans detailing other services (i.e. sewerage, water, storm water, telecommunications, and gas)
- A copy of the local government’s conditions and design approval and/or DTMR's design approval
- Details of the construction contractors you have engaged from our Approved Public Lighting Construction Contractors (PDF 200.3 kb) list
- Nomination of the materials suppliers for any Category A materials.
- We'll make a connection offer within 65 business days of receiving your completed application. It must be accepted within 20 business days.
- You may accept the connection offer and enter into a new Negotiated Connection Establishment Contract by:
- Returning the signed copies of the relevant documents
- Paying any relevant fees
- Satisfying all other requirements set out in the contract by the due date.
- Site construction works may only commence following a pre-start meeting and confirmation that design plans have been reviewed and approved by us
- We need to inspect conduits or other such infrastructure before its buried or hidden from view. We may also do random audits at any time during the construction phase without notice
- We’ll conduct a final audit after construction is completed. Any defects found during this final audit must be rectified before a Certificate of Acceptance can be issued.
- It’s important that you notify us of the expected completion date well in advance, so we can schedule the final testing and commissioning works. This helps to ensure the timely connection of the development.
How much will it cost?
Connection service charges
Fees and charges will depend on whether any upgrade works are needed on the electricity network to connect your street lighting.
We’ll calculate the installation costs, and any other charges that may apply under a Negotiated Connection Offer, for example a network extension fee or a capital contribution.
An estimate of all fees and charges will be outlined in your Connection Offer for your acceptance. See our latest price lists on our Connections charges web page.
All our connection services charges have been approved by the Australian Energy Regulator (AER).
Ongoing electricity usage charges
There will also be ongoing power usage charges for your street lights. Refer to your electricity retailer regarding these costs.
Read our FAQs for more information about connection service types, offers and contracts.