Electrician's tools laid out on a floor

Energy Academy

We host a series of Energy Academy sessions for residential electrical contractors across Queensland.

Our sessions aim to build awareness and understanding about:

  • regulations, rules and standards
  • business procedures and processes
  • the Electrical Partners Portal
  • demand management initiatives
  • tariff prices and structure
  • connection issues
  • emerging technologies and initiatives.

Sessions are online providing access to electrical contractors from across the state with Ergon Network representatives online to answer questions either during or after the session.

Individual electrical contractors and peak industry bodies such as NECA and MEA are approached prior to each session to help determine the topics for each event.

Please email us at customeradvocacy@energyq.com.au if you would like to provide feedback about these sessions or have suggested topics for future events.

Upcoming sessions

8:00am – 9:30am - Tuesday 26 November 2024

3:00pm – 4:30pm - Thursday 28 November 2024

Electrical contractor updates

Keep informed about what's happening in the industry and any changes to compliance, rulings and legislation changes.

Visit our Electrical Partners alert web page.