A person about to plug in their electric vehicle at home

EV home charging guide

  1. Answer the following three (3) questions and we’ll provide some home charging suggestions that might work best for you and your circumstances.

    1 Do you have rooftop solar PV?

    Yes, I have rooftop solar and I use as much electricity as possible during the day and export excess solar power that I don't need, and I want to charge my EV from solar

    If you can't charge at home during the day, then consider installing a wall battery that can store your solar power to help charge your EV when you are home.

    Yes, I have rooftop solar and I want to export as much back into the grid whenever possible

    In this case, set you charging for late in the evening and overnight on a cheap night-time tariff.

    No, I don't have solar

    Seek out a retail tariff that provides you with the cheapest charging between 9am-4pm (if you are able to charge your EV during the daytime), or from 9pm through to 6am.

  2. 2 What is the average daily distance that you travel in your vehicle?

    Please note: The average daily Queensland passenger vehicle distance travelled is approximately 40km

    Less than 40km per day

    Less than 40km per day normally, but with occasional longer trips usually on the weekend

    40km per day or more

  3. 3 How important is it to you to be able to charge your EV fast and how willing are you to spend money on your EV charging set-up?

    Speed of charge and convenience to charge when I want to is important

    I want the convenience of a home charging set-up and am happy to pay for the right set-up, and speed of charge is important to me

    I want a cheap, convenient home charging set-up and speed of charge doesn’t matter to me

    Speed of charge is important to me but so is cost

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