Our EV plan

We continue to implement a range of initiatives to both meet the needs of an emerging market of electric vehicle (EV) owners and prepare our networks and business for the potential challenges, and exciting opportunities, that EVs and their charging create.

Network Electric Vehicles Tactical Plan 2024

There are 25 tactics outlined in our latest Network Electric Vehicles Tactical Plan:

  1. Enhance methods to identify and analyse EV clusters
  2. Monitor and better understand the electrification trajectory of heavy machinery
  3. Monitor and better understand the electrification trajectory of trucks
  4. Leverage EV cluster detection to influence the placement of network monitors
  5. Evolve our network load capacity mapping capability
  6. Explore and design potential network solutions to EV-related network constraints
  7. Explore the optimal EV data platform(s) to connect all or most relevant data sets
  8. Evolve EV charging demand forecasting methodologies and data collection
  9. Monitor the development, potential and adoption of Vehicle to Grid (V2G) and Vehicle to Load (V2L)
  10. Prepare for V2G connections
  11. Develop connection options for public charging infrastructure in areas with network constraint
  12. Collaborate in pursuit of greater distribution network consistency in Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) connection rules, requirements, communications and other aspects
  13. Explore our role in facilitating kerbside charging
  14. Investigate and implement ways to streamline the connection process and planning
  15. Identify and outwork our role in addressing EV charging challenges in multi-residential dwellings
  16. Design and implement trials of residential, fleet and public charging options, where required
  17. Explore and articulate the challenges and opportunities presented by EV charging, and in facilitating public EV charging, in fringe-of-grid networks
  18. Enable flexibility in EV-related load, at the residential, business and public charging levels
  19. Collaborate with stakeholders to promote attractive tariff offerings for residential and business EV owners
  20. Identify all types of EV-related data, the internal and external users, their needs and visions for applying the data
  21. Engage Charge Point Operators through research, meetings, webinars and other forums to listen and inform
  22. Deploy a Network EV Stakeholder Engagement and Communications Plan
  23. Inform fleet operators and charging providers on charging infrastructure connection considerations
  24. Leverage our EV charging-related research to promote small customer choices and align them with network priorities
  25. Enhance and leverage our EV webpages as an information resource.

You can complete our online registration form to download an eight-page summary of the Network Electric Vehicles Tactical Plan 2024.

For more information

If you have any questions about this plan, please email ev@energyq.com.au.