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Zone substation load data reports

Under the National Electricity Rules (Rules), we're required to make available annual reports containing ten years of historical zone substation load data. These annual reports will be based on financial years (1 July to 30 June) and will be available from 30 September each year, excluding where data is subject to third party privacy concerns.

Data format

We've prepared these reports in accordance with clause 5.13A of the National Electricity Rules and they contain the following information:

  • The name of the zone substation (file name)
  • The date and time of the recorded load in Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)
  • Zone substation load raw data (in MW and MVA) measured in half-hourly intervals (where available). Note: The load readings are measured on the secondary side of the zone substation transformers.

The data is provided in csv files within a zipped file for each financial year. Every csv file contains raw data for a single zone substation. Each row contains the year, the name of the zone substation, the date and time, and the unit of the data in 30 minute intervals.

Further information regarding the configuration of the distribution network can be found in our Distribution Annual Planning Report (DAPR).


The data contained in the zone substation reports remains the property of Ergon Energy. Ergon Energy retains all copyright and intellectual property in this data. Ergon Energy accepts no liability for the use of this data by any organisation for any purpose.

The data is raw data from Ergon Energy SCADA and metering systems. This means it has not been analysed, assessed or validated for accuracy or quality. No warranty or guarantee is provided as to the data's suitability for any particular purpose as it may:

  • contain occasional metering errors that has led to gaps in the data
  • have spikes and dips in metered load caused by switching of the network
  • include estimates about demand due to different types of metering equipment at respective sites
  • have been withheld for confidentiality reasons in accordance with clause 5.13A(g) of the Rules, such as where a substation predominantly supplies one large customer.