Solar installers drilling in solar panels on a roof

Connection information for embedded networks

What is an Embedded Network?

Embedded networks are formed when there is one ‘parent’ point of connection to our electricity distribution network with multiple child meters within it.

In the example below, the embedded network is configured so the owner or operator of the site can on-sell electricity to the residents within the embedded network.

A diagram showing an embedded network Source: AER Guideline - Exemption from registration as a network service provider.

Who can apply for connections of solar/battery installations within an embedded network?

The embedded network owner, operator or their approved authorised agent (e.g. electrical contractor) is responsible for the submission of a connection application to us for any solar or battery installations within the embedded network.

Why? Because an embedded network has one connection point to our electricity distribution network and it's owned by the embedded network owner/operator. The National Electricity Rules state that the owner of the connection point must be the connection applicant and the party whom we enter into the connection contract with.

Who will receive the power bill for an embedded network?

The electricity retail customer who receives the power bill for an embedded network will likely be the embedded network owner or operator, e.g. the company who owns or operates the embedded network.

Need further information?

If you have any questions, please contact us via email on or call us on 07 4789 5959.