Garbutt substation upgrade
April 2023
The dual-owned Ergon Energy and Powerlink Garbutt bulk supply substation, which powers more than 50,000 homes and businesses across Townsville, is undergoing a $30 million upgrade to meet the future needs of the growing community.
Established in 1958, the Garbutt bulk supply substation has become a key link between Ergon’s local electricity distribution network and Powerlink’s high-voltage transmission network. While the substation has stood the test of time, much of the existing infrastructure and equipment is soon due for retirement.
The project will involve a major upgrade with the old outdoor equipment in the substation yard replaced with new, modern 66kV gas insulated switchgear housed inside the substation building.
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Hi, I'm Michael McEvoy. I'm one of the Transmission Underground work group leaders from Energy Queensland.
Today I want to share an important update with you on how we're progressing on the Garbutt substation.
It's a $30 million project that's going to benefit 50,000 customers. My team are here installing critical infrastructure with 66 KV cables that are quite specialised, with gas insulated switch gear at one end of the termination and outdoor switch gear at the other end. You see the end result when you turn on a light switch at home, but you don't see the critical infrastructure that goes into the high voltage network required to connect from A to B. So the parts that we're putting in place is the backbone that's going to connect from the substation through to your household.
Some of the switch gear terminations require a specialised plug in to a gas insulated switch gear that's quite technical and it requires years of experience and dexterity to get the terminations correct.
To the customers driving past it may just look like another building, but inside there's high voltage switch gear, there's a lot of specialised protection relays that protect cables from faults that can occur on our network, there's telecommunications that will tell us how the network's performing and ensuring that if something was to go wrong that we protect our network and our customers in doing so.
It looks like just another building, but let me assure you, inside there's a whole lot of work that goes on behind the scenes that you won't see until you turn on your light switch at home.
The Garbutt substation, which supplies 50,000 customers across Townsville, is undergoing a $30 million transformation. Check out the work of some of our specialist crews involved in this major project.
April 2023
March 2023
November 2022
November 2022
For more information or to provide us with feedback, please contact the project team:
Online: Project feedback form
Email: NetworkProjectEngagement@energyq.com.au
Phone: 1300 653 055