Substation aerial view
Artist impression of substation in relation to Laurie Street
We're investing in the local electricity network to meet the increasing demand for electricity in the Gracemere region and to provide residents with a secure and reliable electricity supply.
To secure the future electricity needs of the Gracemere region, we're constructing a new 20MVA modular substation in Gracemere, as well as a new 66,000-volt powerline, to connect the new Gracemere substation to Egans Hill substation.
This investment will increase the network’s capacity for the 10,000 homes and businesses in the Gracemere region and improve the security of the electricity supply with new options for restoring power following interruptions caused by severe weather and other unforeseen network events.
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See the latest photos of the Gracemere project site.
Artist impression of substation in relation to Laurie Street
Artist impression of substation from the air over Platen Street
Artist impression of substation from John Street
Barry O’Roure MP (right) and Michael Dart (left) Executive General Manager Customer Division look over plans for Gracemere substation
Civil works at the substation site take shape
Internal roadworks at the substation
The transformer is lifted into place by crane
The transformer is in place within the bund ready for electrical works to commence
Internal fencing of the substation is complete
Crews work on the distribution network around Gracemere to prepare for the new substation
The demand load on the existing Malchi substation which supplies Gracemere is approaching capacity, and additional network capacity needs to be created to ensure a reliable supply for the township and to provide for future regional growth.
This increasing demand for electricity has resulted from a growing local population, new housing estate developments and additional industrial load requirements from the Gracemere industrial area. Our enhanced lifestyle choices contributing to the use of energy-hungry devices like air conditioners and plasma televisions are also increasing the pressure on the existing electricity distribution network.
This demand led us to identify that construction of a new substation was required to ensure the Gracemere community continues to be provided with a reliable power supply and adequately caters for economic growth and supports future regional development.
We undertook a thorough assessment of a number of potential locations for the substation site in the Gracemere area.
We investigated available land based on the proximity to the electricity load, site access, network access and minimal social and environmental impacts.
The new substation for Gracemere needs to be located within the township to supply electricity to the growing number of residential estates being developed and planned for, as well as supplying the industrial area on the western approach to the town along the Capricorn Highway.
The selected location will also cater for increased demand from future commercial development within the Gracemere CBD. With the support of the Rockhampton Regional Council, we believe the selected substation site will offer the lowest overall environment, social and economic impact to the Gracemere community.
We investigated a number of powerline route options before the proposed powerline corridor was selected, taking into consideration social, environmental, design and cost factors.
The substation doesn't require planning approval under the current planning scheme.
While approval wasn't required, we chose to take a collaborative approach, working with Rockhampton Regional Council and the community to identify a suitable location for the substation. We've also taken guidance from Local and State planning agencies to ensure the project takes into consideration all potential impacts.
The proposed substation site was purchased as a private sale.
Main considerations in selecting the powerline route included:
The substation will have a modern appearance and be designed to minimise any impact on the visual amenity of the area. Artist’s impressions (JPG 188.2 kb) will provide the community with an idea of what the substation will look like on site.
All of our substations are fully enclosed by fencing as a security measure to both protect the community and to avoid any damage occurring to electrical infrastructure.
This fencing can be a combination of chain mesh fencing for security purposes, and/or timber fencing to provide screening of the substation from the street and help improve the visual amenity.
The design of the substation fence and material choice will be determined during the design phase and form part of the community consultation process.
Low levels of background noise are associated with normal substation operation. The faint hum is expected to be indistinguishable from surrounding sounds, however this will be considered as part of the design.
As part of the environmental impact assessment for a substation site, a noise assessment is carried out in accordance with the Environmental Protection Act 1994, Environmental Protection Policy (Noise), and where necessary, noise mitigation measures are put in place. A noise assessment for the Gracemere substation has been completed and noise control measures have been incorporated into the design.
The new Gracemere substation and the powerlines connecting it to the existing Egans Hill substation is expected to be constructed between January 2021 and early 2022.
We'll continue to provide the community with information about the project and will advise residents of the expected construction dates as the project progresses.
The cost to underground powerlines is significantly more than constructing them above ground.
Electricity infrastructure projects are a necessity, and the solutions proposed must be considered cost effective. We aim to balance the costs, which are ultimately paid for by our customers, with any potential impacts from the infrastructure’s construction on the community.
We're required to meet obligations under the National Electricity Law which promotes the efficient investment in, and operation and use of electricity services for the long-term interests of electricity consumers.
When substations and powerlines are discussed, many people ask about electric and magnetic fields (EMF). EMF are generated by any object with electric current flowing through it including powerlines and all electrical appliances used in homes such as televisions, washing machines, microwaves, hair dryers and computers.
The level of EMF from powerlines depends on the amount of current flowing along the lines. Fields decrease in strength the further you move away from the source. Putting powerlines underground doesn't reduce the levels of EMF as the earth doesn't create a shield.
Fortunately, EMF can be reduced by the configuration of substation infrastructure and powerlines. The project team will design the transmission lines with this in mind. Our standards for EMF emissions continue to be better than those required by Australian and international health authorities.
Along the proposed line route and at the substation boundary, EMF levels are expected to be well within the limits required by the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) and similar to those encountered in daily life. Tests will confirm this during a survey of the proposed line route and substation site before the project is completed.
More detailed information on EMF and links to the ICNIRP website and other relevant organisations can be found on our Electric and magnetic fields web page.
Download a copy of the Frequently Asked Questions (PDF 479.7 kb) for the Gracemere substation and powerline project.
We aim to provide the community with balanced and objective information to help in understanding the need for this project, our proposed solution and how it may affect people.
We'll keep the local community informed, and we’ll acknowledge and consider any feedback.
We'll provide information in different ways including:
For more information or to provide us with feedback, please contact the project team:
Online: Project feedback form
Email: NetworkProjectEngagement@energyq.com
Phone: 1300 653 055