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Road train at sunset in the country


If you work in the road transport industry, there’s a chance you might come into contact with our electricity assets while you’re on the road. Especially if you’re carrying a high load. To stay safe, look out for electrical hazards and practice safe work habits when planning, loading and driving to your destination.

Understanding the risks

Unfortunately, workers in the road transport industry have the highest rates of accidental contact with our poles, wires and pillar boxes. Electrical accidents cause serious injuries and can damage your load or vehicle.

Trucking activities with higher risks include:

  • driving vehicles with high load (over 4.6m)
  • loading or unloading your vehicle by hand, or using cranes or forklifts
  • working aloft on your vehicle while tying down loads, fastening tarps or checking livestock.

How to work safe

Before you start work, make sure you use a simple risk management process like the one below to identify electrical hazards, assess risks and plan safe work habits.

1. Identify electrical hazards

Before you transport a load, unload your vehicle, exit your vehicle or climb aloft, take time to identify any electrical hazards in the area. These are objects or tasks that could cause damage or injury, like a power pole or using a loading dock near powerlines.

To spot hazards:

  1. Check the location of powerlines and other electrical infrastructure by
    • locating overhead powerlines visually or by using our Look up and Live map
    • noting the exclusion zone distances for each overhead powerline
    • checking for underground assets like pillar boxes, which can easily be reversed over.
  2. Check the height of your load and any nearby overhead powerlines
  3. Check for changing conditions that could create new hazards, like
    • Heat that causes powerlines to sag, reducing clearance
    • High winds that cause lines to sway or fall
    • Lower light at dawn/dusk that reduces visibility
    • Damaged power poles that reduce clearance.
  4. Check that your vehicle and machinery is in good working order, with no signs of damage.
IMPORTANT: Stay well clear of damaged powerlines and report them immediately by calling Triple zero (000).
Look up and live map

2. Use safe work habits

If you can’t eliminate a hazard, you can use safe work habits to reduce the risk as much as possible. These include:

  • identifying hazards using the steps above any time you exit your vehicle, or go aloft
  • carrying out maintenance and storage activities well away from powerlines
  • always lowering plant to the transport position when moving or relocating
  • not using ‘bumpers’ or poly pipe to keep wires from snagging the load
  • ensuring machinery is checked after contact with overhead wires
  • never attempting to manually measure the height of an overhead powerline. Instead, call us for more information.

Safe work habits for transporting high loads

A high load is any loaded vehicle taller than 4.6m. At this height, there’s a chance your load could contact overhead powerlines when you’re on the road.

Because of the safety risks, you must get written authorisation from us before you transport a high load. Submit a Notification to Transport High Load form (DOCX 219.7 kb) to advise us of the high load involved, the intended route and the times for transport.


Diagram showing exclusion zone of 4.6m required when transporting high loads

Want more information?


If you have more questions, you might find answers in our Frequently Asked Questions.

Safety fact sheets

Download our fact sheets for information about working safe:

To order factsheets in industry packs, use our Brochure & sticker order form.

Awareness sessions

We offer training sessions to help your team work safely near overhead and underground powerlines. These sessions can be targeted for conferences, business groups, local councils or emergency services groups. Topics include exclusion zones, safety observer zones and how to safely operate plant and vehicles near powerlines.

If you would like to book a session for your conference or staff, please email us and we'll contact you to discuss a suitable time.

Other forms and guidelines

Links to some popular request forms and information.