Connections which draw loads greater than 80 Amps

We’re committed to supporting customers during the transition to smart metering, particularly those customers with pumps, motors or other loads with a large start-up current exceeding 80 Amps.

Equipment, such as farming pumps that are rated greater than 35kW and which don’t have a soft start facility, can often draw a start-up inrush current many times their operational current which may exceed the rating for their connection, protection devices and electricity meter.

Below is important information to help you navigate the transition to a smart meter and avoid disruption to your electricity supply.

Since the Power of Choice metering reforms were implemented in December 2017, retailers and their Metering Providers, including Yurika Metering, have been installing smart meters that comply with National Electricity Rules and Energy Queensland network connection standards. These mandatory requirements for smart meters differ from the obsolete, legacy requirements for analogue meters in the following ways:

  • Direct connected metering installations may not exceed a load of 100 Amps
  • An 80 Amp Meter Protection Device (an HRC fuse) must be installed as per Australian Standards.

Potential impacts after a smart meter exchange for connections which draw loads exceeding 80 Amps

  • Power outages: If pumps, motors or other equipment cannot reduce the start-up inrush current using a soft starter or other method, customers may experience power outages due to the HRC fuse blowing.
  • Switchboard upgrades: To avoid outages, customers may need to upgrade their switchboard for Current Transformer (CT) metering, which may incur significant costs.

Ongoing efforts to reduce costs

We’re actively working to explore more cost-effective solutions for impacted customers, including:

  • collaborating with Yurika Metering and members of the EQL Agriculture Forum to identify and support impacted customers while alternative solutions are investigated, including exploring the potential for a change to the National Electricity Rules; and
  • engaging with government agencies to discuss financial support opportunities for customers requiring site remediation to comply with current rules and enable smart meter installation.

If your connected load has a start up current exceeding 80 Amps or is rated at more than 35kW and does not have a soft start facility, please complete the online form to notify Ergon Energy Retail. This will enable us to assist by temporarily deferring non-mandatory smart meter installations while alternative solutions are explored.