Solar feed-in tariffs

Solar power systems act like a mini generator on your roof producing electricity from the sun.

Encouraged by a range of government incentives, thousands of our customers are now enjoying the benefits of solar power.

Solar feed-in tariff for regional Queensland

Customers in regional Queensland with an eligible solar power system can access the regional feed-in tariff for the power they export to the network.

The feed-in tariff for regional Queensland is set each year by the Queensland Competition Authority (QCA).

From 1 July 2024 - Current Rate RATE $/kWh
All exports per kWh $0.12377
From 1 July 2023 - Previous Rate RATE $/kWh
All exports per kWh $0.13411

The QCA sets the feed-in tariff rate based on an estimation of a fair and reasonable price for electricity exported to the network from solar panels.

For more information on the regional feed-in tariff, visit the Department of Energy and Public Works website. For details on the estimation method used to calculate feed-in tariffs, visit the Queensland Competition Authority website.

To be eligible to receive a feed-in tariff, solar systems must be approved by the network business. In most cases, a new solar capable meter must be installed before the inverter can be turned on. If an inverter is turned on before a solar capable meter is installed, estimated reads will be used to bill the account using historical data and will not include any solar export. Further information on the connection requirements can be located on the Ergon Energy Network solar connections webpage.

The Solar Bonus Scheme

The Queensland Government's Solar Bonus Scheme pays eligible customers a feed-in tariff for the surplus electricity generated from solar power systems and exported to the Queensland electricity network.

Customers who applied for the Queensland Solar Bonus Scheme before 10 July 2012 and maintain their eligibility can continue to receive payments under this tariff.

From 1 July 2008 - Current RateRATE
All exports per kWh 44 c/kWh

The Solar Bonus Scheme is closed to new solar customers and is legislated to expire on 1 July 2028.

Full details are available from the Department of Energy and Public works website.

Changes to account holders may affect Solar Bonus Scheme eligibility

Since November 2012, customers on the Solar Bonus Scheme are no longer eligible if they cease to be the electricity account holder or one or more names are added to the account. An exception is when an account is transferred into the name of a spouse or a spouse is added to an account. If one or more of multiple account holders are removed from the account but at least one original account holder remains and no new names are added, the system will remain eligible.

*GST may apply where customers supply energy to the grid in the course of a GST registered business or enterprise. All Feed in Tariffs payable by Ergon Energy are fixed amounts prescribed by law or statutory instrument without any regard for GST.  Prescribed amounts don't increase for particular business customers that may be liable to the ATO for GST. Generally speaking, GST isn't applicable to feed-in tariff amounts payable to private or domestic customers that don't carry on an enterprise.  However, Ergon Energy isn't able to provide specific tax or financial advice to individual customers and it recommends affected customers seek their own professional advice or contact the ATO.

The Australian Government's Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme

The Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme (SRES) encourages you to purchase solar water heaters, heat pumps, and small-scale solar panel, wind and hydro systems by offering a financial benefit through the issue of Small-scale Technology Certificates or STCs.

What is a Small-scale Technology Certificate or STC?

An STC is a tradeable certificate which is issued after the eligible installation of a renewable energy system (including solar panels, solar water heaters and heat pumps).

When you install an eligible system, you can claim a set number of STCs. This number is based on the amount of electricity in megawatt hours (MWh) that is either:

  • generated by your small-scale solar panel, wind or hydro system over the course of its lifetime of up to 14 years; or
  • displaced by your solar water heater or heat pump over the course of its lifetime of up to 10 years.

The number of certificates you can claim may vary depending on where you live, what you're installing, whether your installation is eligible for Solar Credits, and/or the size and capacity of the installed system.

How do I get money for STCs?

STCs have to be created within 12 months of your system being installed. You can assign your STCs to a registered Agent (such as a retailer or installer). They will give you a financial benefit for the certificates, such as a discount off the invoice, in exchange for the right to create and sell the certificates. Many solar power system suppliers will buy the STCs associated with your installation in the form of an upfront discount.

Want to know more about the Small-scale Renewable Energy Scheme? Visit the Australian Government's Clean Energy Regulator website.