Load Test Partnership application form

This is a TEST form being used to complete system maintenance

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).
Contact details
Please enter as a 10 digit number with no spaces – eg 0738516000
Organisation/Community group details
Partnership proposal details
For example, Townsville 4810. Separate multiple locations with a comma.
Proposed timeframe of program/event
Start date
End date
Maximum 500 characters
Is it important to your community's identity or wellbeing? Will it support the local economy? Or help your community bring a new innovation to life?
How would the community perceive our involvement? How does it align with our brand? Does it provide an opportunity for local employees to engage with the community? Would it help us promote our products and services, or provide other business benefits?
How will you promote the project and our involvement – do you have advertising planned or a great social media following? What community or audience are you targeting? What branding opportunities are there? Will the community be actively involved in the actual project?
Are we the only energy company?
Has it been run before? Or have you managed something else like it? Do you require resources or other support from us? Do you have the marketing capability to assist in ensuring mutually beneficial outcomes?
Please enter the whole dollar amount with no comma or decimal point - eg 5500
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