Retail contracts and rules

The National Energy Customer Framework (NECF), introduced to Queensland on 1 July 2015, is a set of national laws, rules and regulations governing the sale and supply of energy (electricity and reticulated natural gas) to consumers.

It also states the terms for standard retail contracts and the terms of the standard large non-market customer retail contract.

The National Energy Customer Framework

NECF was developed under cooperative arrangements between Queensland, the Australian Government, New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania, and the Australian Capital Territory and works by each participating state applying the framework as a law of its jurisdiction.

It means that there will be nationally consistent requirements for electricity retailers which will provide our electricity users with improved confidence in interacting with their retailer and better support if they are in financial hardship.

NECF aims to reduce regulatory red tape for the electricity industry, drive greater efficiencies and foster increased competition in the retail market.

Residential and small customers won't notice a difference in the way their electricity is supplied, but NECF will boost customer protections by requiring us and other retailers to more actively identify, and offer assistance to, customers finding it difficult to pay their bill on time.

Standard customer contracts

The Standard Retail Contract (SRC) (PDF 232.7 kb) is for small residential and business customers, usually one who consumes less than 100 megawatt hours of electricity per annum.

The SRC applies if you have applied to Ergon Energy for customer retail services and we provide you with customer retail services, or your premises are connected to a supply network and you have not applied for customer retail services. Furthermore, the SRC applies without the need for Ergon Energy or the customer to sign a document containing the terms and conditions.

Similarly, the Deemed Standard Connection Contract (PDF 561.3 kb) sets out the terms and conditions for the connection and supply of electricity. The SCC takes effect if your premises are connected to our supply network and there is no negotiated connection contract in force with respect to premises.

Large customer standard retail contracts

The Standard Large Non-Market Customer Retail Contract (SLRC) (PDF 187.8 kb) contains the terms and conditions for the sale of electricity to our large, non-market customers, made under section 64E of the National Energy Retail Law (Queensland) Act 2014.  A customer is generally considered to be a large customer if they consume 100 megawatt hours or more of electricity per annum.

This contract takes effect when you have applied to us for customer retail services and we provide you with customer retail services, or your premises are connected to a supply network and you have not applied for customer retail services. It applies without the need for Ergon Energy or the customer to sign a document containing the terms and conditions.

Standard retail contract for selling electricity using card-operated meters

The majority of Ergon Energy customers receive a quarterly account that is charged according to physical meter readings of the electricity consumed at the premises. However, across Queensland's remote communities, there are a number of households who are provided with electricity through a pre-paid card operated meter system.

The Standard retail contract for selling electricity using card-operated meters (PDF 178.3 kb) is made under section 60Aof the National Energy Retail Law (Queensland) Act 2014 and forms terms and conditions that apply to the sale of electricity to small customers using a card operated meter.

This contract takes effect on the date we first provide you with customer retail services at your premises.