Frequently asked questions
Smart meter replacement
What’s a smart meter?
There’s a range of different meters currently in use, some with an electronic display. However, this is actually no indication of whether they’re smart or not.
To earn the title of 'smart,' a meter has to track your usage in super precise intervals – we're talking half-hour, fifteen-minute, or even five-minute segments! Imagine your daily usage sliced into 48, 96, or 288 interval periods – now that's some detailed energy use!
How do I request a smart meter?
You can request a smart meter quickly and easily via our online form.
Why are you installing smart meters?
Smart meters are all about making your life easier and giving you more control over your electricity usage. Learn more about the benefits of smart meters for homes and for businesses.
Queensland is targeting 100% penetration of smart meters by 2030. In addition, under Power of Choice regulations, all new and replacement meters in NSW, ACT, SA and QLD must be smart.
Do I need to get a smart meter now?
Not immediately. Queensland is targeting 100% penetration of smart meters by 2030.
Will you be replacing everyone’s meters?
Yes. Queensland is targeting 100% penetration of smart meters by 2030.
I don't want a smart meter - can I get a new basic meter instead?
Under Power of Choice regulations any new or replacement meters must be smart to be compliant.
Do I need to get my landlord's permission?
No, as the account holder of the electricity service at the property you're not required to seek your landlord's permission. However you may need to contact them if we identify any issues with your wiring which need to be fixed by an electrician
Will my meter be smart if I don’t have 3G or 4G mobile coverage?
Your meter will record thirty, fifteen or five minute data and a meter reader will collect your usage data manually.
If I have two meters but only one needs replacing will you change both?
Yes, the good news is we’ll update both meters to smart meters. Meters at the same site must all be the same type – either basic or smart, not a mix of the two.
I have solar connected at my property. Can I have a smart meter with solar?
Yes, smart meters work with your solar installation.
Can I take my smart meter with me when I move?
No, all meters must remain where they have been installed.
Is anyone excluded from this metering change?
Sites in Mount Isa and selected isolated communities are exempt as they're not part of the National Electricity Market. In these locations, we'll determine the meter required for your premises.
Will my meter box need to be upgraded? Who pays for it?
You won’t have to make any changes if your meter box/board complies with current standards. If it doesn't, or contains asbestos or timber backing, you'll need to organise for it to be made compliant at your expense.
Understanding smart meter data
How can I access my smart meter data?
You can access your smart meter data through My Account, which provides smart insights to help you take control of your energy. Once you're logged into My Account, simply click the 'Smart meter features' button if you're a residential customer, or the 'Visit Energy Analysis' button if you're a business customer.
How do I read my smart meter?
The simplest way to keep an eye on your usage and smart meter data is through My Account - just head to
Want to track your usage straight from your smart meter? No problem! Our “How to Read Your Smart Meter” guide makes it easy – check it out here.
Curious about how to break down your bill? Our “Understanding Your Bill” guide has you covered – find it here!
Why is the start read on each bill zero?
The great thing about your smart meter is it records your usage in 5 minute increments and sends it to us as a daily upload of your total usage over that previous 24 hours.
Each time we are preparing your bill, we add up your total usage for that date range using those uploads.
Speaking of bills, if you've recently changed from an older style of meter, you would have been used to seeing a start read and an end read following the meter reader attending to read your meters.
As your smart meter sends us your usage as a daily upload, there is no start read or end read and you will see a zero in those columns. For both styles of meters, the total usage is listed in the quantity column. The way it looks is just a little different with your smart meter.
For a detailed breakdown of your usage, simply log in or sign up for My Account and check out “Smart Meter Features” at
For further information on how to read your Smart Meter, check out our handy "How to read your smart meter" pdf here.
How do I read NEM12 smart meter data?
The easiest way to access your smart meter data is through My Account.
If you have NEM12 data, the below guides are designed to help you understand your NEM12 data and find the information you need from your meter:
Prices and billing
What will the smart meter cost?
Customers moving to a new or replacement smart meter will see the same meter services charges as those with basic meters.
Can I stay on quarterly bills with a smart meter?
There are no extra charges for monthly billing. You have a choice to continue with quarterly billing if it suits you better, however monthly billing means you receive smaller, more manageable bills around the same time each month.
Will my tariff change once the smart meter is installed?
No. Your tariff will stay the same unless you explicitly consent to change.
Will I get a new bill after the meter is installed? When do I have to pay this?
You'll receive two interim bills - the first is for the period between your last bill and the date of your meter change and the next is for the period between your meter change and the start of your normal bill cycle. All of your bills will have clearly marked due dates. Our average daily usage and cost calculator gives you an average daily amount across the multiple shorter bills to compare it easily against last year's bill.
Will a smart meter change any payment arrangements on my account?
Replacing your meter will not change any payment arrangements you have on your account.
I’ve recently had a smart meter installed and my bill’s higher than usual. Why could this be?
Our high bill checklist can help you understand why your bill is higher than usual.
Common reasons may include price changes that happen every year from 1 July or increased usage e.g. more air conditioning over summer or heating over winter.
At Ergon Energy Retail you can have peace of mind that we won’t change your tariff when you have a smart meter installed. Your tariff will stay the same unless you explicitly consent to a change.
Why am I charged a manual read fee when I don't want my data sent electronically?
A manual read fee for Type 4A meters will apply for customers who specifically request to disable the remote communications on their smart meter which prevents the meter being read remotely. This charge covers the additional cost of reading the meter manually, including travel. It does not apply if the remote communications could not be enabled for other reasons.
A charge of $47.36 per scheduled read will appear in the ‘Other Charges and Credits’ section of your bill. This charge can be avoided by requesting us to enable the remote communications on the digital meter.
Meter installation
Why do you need to turn off my power?
Your power needs to be off to safely remove and replace your meter. This is done by turning off the main switch on your switchboard. The change process is expected to take around 30 minutes or a little longer if the work is more complex than anticipated.
How will I know when the installation will happen?
We’ll send a notification to your premises address with the date range our team will be on-site to install your meter. Additionally, our Metering Provider, Yurika, will send you an SMS the day before the meter exchange, so you’ll know exactly when to expect their arrival.
Do I need to be there when the meter is installed?
If your meter box, main switchboard/s, and main switch/es are easily accessible, there’s no need for you to be there. However, if our Metering Provider, Yurika, encounters any access issues when they arrive at your premises, they’ll send you an SMS requesting that you contact them to arrange a new appointment with clear and safe access.
Do I need to organise an electrician?
Some customers prefer to have an electrician check their meter board before the installation, however it's not a requirement.
Who do I call if I want to change the appointment time?
Please contact us using the phone number provided on the notification with details on the interruption to your supply.
Who will turn up to install my new meter?
Technicians will be authorised by Ergon Retail and will carry or wear identification. They are required to produce identification to you if requested.
When you install the meter, will my power be switched off?
Yes, usually for about 30 minutes however more complex jobs could take longer.
How long will it take to be installed?
Usually the job will take no longer than four hours depending on the complexity of the job.
Safety, health and security
Do smart meters cause any health effects?
Current research indicates that there are no established health effects from using a smart meter. Your meter will send signals at very low power for just a fraction of a second.
Smart meters, mobile phones and other wireless devices used for communication are regulated by the Australian Communications and Media Authority, which requires them to comply with exposure limits ensuring they are not harmful. For more information visit
Is my meter and data secure? Can it be hacked?
Smart meters and associated data communication equipment must comply with strict standards for accuracy and security. Data is sent using systems and protocols that meet Queensland Government cyber security standards, the Australian Government’s Privacy Act 1988 and the National Electricity Law. These standards are the same ones that protect all government data. All customer data will be held and collected in compliance with these requirements, just as it is today.
Will anyone else see my electricity data?
No. Your data and personal information are protected under the National Electricity Law, Queensland Government cyber security standards and the Australian Government’s Privacy Act 1988.
Do smart meters cause fires?
Fires may be caused by faulty wiring, but not your meter. If you’re concerned about the condition of your electricity wiring, please contact a licenced electrical contractor.