Average daily usage & cost calculator

Tracking your average daily usage and cost is a great way to monitor your energy usage and compare bills accurately 'apples for apples'.

Looking at the average daily usage and cost can help if you've received:

  • a higher or lower than expected bill after an estimated bill
  • a bill for a larger number of days than usual, or want to compare bills that are for a different number of days
  • several small bills due to your smart meter installation
  • a high bill and want to know if the cause is due to increased usage or price changes.

Simple steps for using the calculator:

  1. Choose what to calculate:  Select whether you want to calculate your average daily cost, average daily usage, or both. For comparing bills across different financial years, look at the average daily usage as electricity prices change annually on 1 July
  2. Enter your bill dates: Enter the start and end dates for each bill you want to review. You can find these dates next to the ‘BILL SUMMARY’ heading on page 2 of your bill
  3. Find your usage (kWh): On the second page of your bill, locate the ‘NEW CHARGES’ section and look for all line items labelled ‘All usage’ in the ‘Quantity (KW/kWh)’ column. If you have multiple line items, our calculator will help you add these together! Please note: This calculator does not include your solar export if you have rooftop solar
  4. Find your electricity cost ($): Go to the 'BILL SUMMARY' section on page 2 of your bill and note the amount listed against 'New Charges' Electricity Charge. This could be on page 2 or 3 of your bill
  5. Add more bills: Click 'ADD ANOTHER BILL' until you've included all the bills you'd like to review!

Average daily usage and cost calculator

Choose average calculation type

Enter your bill information

Bill Start & End Dates Days Usage (kWh) Cost ($) Avg. daily cost ($)

Your average daily cost & usage across all bills




kWh per day


per day


This calculator is provided for general information only and must not be relied upon. Please contact us if you wish to discuss or require information about your account or bills. Ergon Energy makes no representation or warranty, and disclaims all liability in relation to, this calculator and the information generated by it. For these purposes, “Ergon Energy” means Ergon Energy Queensland Pty Ltd ABN 11 121 177 802, Ergon Energy Corporation Limited ABN 50 087 646 062 and their related bodies corporate, officers, employees and agents.