Compare residential tariffs

Retail tariffs are the prices for electricity that Ergon Retail uses to calculate your electricity bill.

The structure of each tariff is different, depending on what it’s designed for. Tariffs include variable charges for the electricity you use and fixed charges to cover the cost of supplying and maintaining your electricity service.

Know your tariff options

We’re here to help you to take control of your power bills, and a big part of that is understanding the tariffs you use.

Our range of tariffs gives you the power to choose the type of supply you want.

Primary tariffs

These are the options providing power for your household.

Tariff 11 is the most common residential tariff.

TariffAccess to power Making your choice Usage ratesSupply charge
11 Power when you want it 24/7 for all your appliances. Great for general household use.  Flat rate of 34.0692 cents per kWh. 136.667 cents per day.
12BPower when you want it 24/7 for all your appliances.A time of use tariff designed to help you save during the day and night-time off-peak periods. Peak rate of 43.6513 cents per kWh from 4pm to 9pm daily, Shoulder rate of 30.1246 cents per kWh from 9pm to 9am daily and off peak rate of 27.5561 cents per kWh between 9am to 4pm daily.134.600 cents per day.
Solar Soaker (12C)Power when you want it 24/7 for all your appliances.A time of use tariff designed to help you save during the day and night-time off-peak periods.Peak rate of 54.1178 cents per kWh from 4pm to 9pm daily, Shoulder rate of 29.1093 cents per kWh from 9pm to 9am daily and off peak rate of 14.6905 cents per kWh between 9am to 4pm daily.134.600 cents per day.
14APower when you want it 24/7 for all your appliances.This is a demand tariff that is designed to help you save during the day and overnight and is for customers that can minimise peak demand between 4pm and 9pm everyday of the year. This tariff has lower demand rates and higher usage rates than 14B. It may be suitable for customers who aren’t familiar with demand tariffs, so 14A can be an introductory tariff before moving to 14B.Demand rate of 5.9818 dollars per kW between 4pm and 9pm daily with all usage charged at 27.5781 cents per kWh.134.600 cents per day.
14BPower when you want it 24/7 for all your appliances.Similar demand tariff to 14A designed to help you save during the day and overnight and is for customers that have a clear understanding of how to minimise peak demand between 4pm and 9pm every day of the year.Demand rate of 10.4984 dollars per kW between 4pm and 9pm daily with all usage charged at 26.6849 cents per kWh. 134.600 cents per day.

Tariff rates effective 1 July 2024. All rates and charges include GST. Find out more about our range of tariff combinations with Basic Plan Information located on the Australian Government's Energy Made Easy website.

Secondary tariffs

Economy tariffs are great for appliances like hot water systems and pool pumps that don't need a constant supply of power.

They're cheaper because the operating times of these tariffs are controlled by Ergon Network. The time of day and duration, an economy tariff is available may change from day to day, depending on what load is on the network.

For appliances that you want the convenience of having 24/7 power, we recommend you connect them to your main household tariff, eg. Tariff 11, which gives you power when you want it.

A licensed electrical contractor will be able to assist you with this.

Tariff Access to power Making your choice Usage ratesSupply charge
31 Power is available for at least 8 hours each day. The times when power is switched off may change from day to day and vary in duration. Only suitable for large hot water systems. For smaller systems or other appliances, please consider Tariff 33 for interruptible power or Tariff 11 for power 24/7. Flat rate of 18.9442 cents per kWh. 3.709 cents per day.
33 Power is available for at least 18 hours each day. The times when power is switched off may change from day to day and vary in duration. Ideal for hot water systems and pool pumps. For on-demand appliances like air conditioners, you may prefer to use Tariff 11 for power 24/7. Flat rate of 21.1035 cents per kWh. 3.709 cents per day.

Tariff rates effective 1 July 2024. All rates and charges include GST. Find out more about our range of tariff combinations with Basic Plan Information located on the Australian Government's Energy Made Easy website.

Service fee

The service fee covers the costs of supplying and maintaining your electricity service, including costs for poles and wires, billing and administration. Since 1 July 2023, the daily service fee for primary and secondary tariffs for small customers incorporates metering charges for each tariff. Information about how tariff prices are set, including the service fee, can be found on the Queensland Competition Authority website.

Meter services charges

Meter services charges cover the cost of providing your meters and the ongoing costs of operating and maintaining your meters and are set by the Australian Energy Regulator. For primary and secondary tariffs for small customers, these charges are now included in the service fee, as determined by the Queensland Competition Authority.  For customers with solar PV, the Meter Services Charge for solar feed-in tariffs will remain as a separate item on your bill. For details visit the Energy Made Easy website.

Changing your tariff

If you're a residential customer considering a tariff change, please call us on 13 10 46.

For business customers, please call us on 1300 135 210.

There may be additional costs associated with changing your tariffs that will vary depending on your individual circumstances. We can let you know more when you contact us to request a tariff change.